Simply stunning. Thank you.

Have you read There Are Rivers in the Sky by Elif Shafak? The story begins with a single raindrop.


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So much to love here, I can't even begin to tell you. Thank you!

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Mmmmm... So good. I heard recently that if you put your tears back into your body by tasting them it's healing you on a deeper soul level…

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in landscape painting, there was an era of the 1800s where painters would go to nature to try to capture "the sublime." That's how I felt in reading your words, that I was witnessing the sublime.

i cry every day and I never once thought of categorizing why or seeing what the thread tying my tears together is. your writing goes above and beyond in capturing an essential human elemental force.

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We weep as we give birth. We weep as we hold the dying.

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That is true, and beautifully framed, Patris. I’ve been present at both and didn’t weep on the day, as I sought to comfort others. Anything at all that needed doing. Avoiding tears. A denial of the reality of death on my part? Not a big fan of crying. This post sets you thinking though. Thanks.

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Tears well. Blurry-eyed I read this for the 2nd and 3rd time. You have pulled on a long emotional thread and loosened the knots tangled by inattention and denial. Your choice of other voices to

compliment you own - pitch perfect to my ears. Delighted to see the L. Erdrich passage among them.

That said, your words on their own would be enough. Thank you for this beautiful read.

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Always a treat when I see you have dropped a post :) beautiful read as usual.

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Man Ray’s photo of tears falling a woman’s cheek. Classic.

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Tears, pearls, love and death all woven together in a lyrical and seemingly effortless way. Your letters always stand out from the rest like a Pearl of Great Price. Thank you x

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Beautiful as always. Going through your substack oeuvre is like walking through an art gallery of fascination and poeticism.

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What a gift

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"Of my life, nothing remains in my eye

except these sad ghosts.

Still the trees that weep on the city's ground

are lovers who sing my songs"

from Season of Tears,

by Adonis (Ali Ahmad Said Esber)

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"it is such a secret place, the land of tears." Like these letters!

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"Above all else, guard your heart,..."

Tears are pearls, no doubt, no doubt. But keep your heart with all vigilance, little one.

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How tears are salty like the sea…This is something I always think about.

I live my life on the verge of them, quite honestly. In tears of turmoil, I let them fall onto my heart. They hold something so profound for me, I’m not quite sure I have the words…

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The reason I read again: here. Thank you.

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